Kudos Program Ads

Spectacular Follies KUDOS

Supporting your favorite Follies cast member is easier than ever with a 1-step online submission process – simple to purchase, easy to create and submit!

Your Follies cast member has put in hours of hard work making this production special for the audience! Show your Follies cast member some encouragement or celebrate a special milestone. Kudos are a great way for out of town friends and family to be part of the production, too! Encourage friends, children, and grandchildren to send their KUDOS today!

Make this show’s program a special memento by placing a special message for your favorite cast member. Advertising revenue goes to underwrite the Spectacular Follies shows!

KUDOS Ad Options

The Spectacular Follies programs are all 5.5″ wide x 8.5″ tall and are generally 20-32 pages in length.

All programs and kudos are printed in color! Your photos and message will shine in our full color prints.

There are FIVE GREAT OPTIONS available to offer any size ad and fit any size budget:

  • Full-Page ($150): 5” wide x 8” tall. Up to 6 pictures plus text.
  • Half-Page – vertical ($75): 5” wide x 4” tall. Up to 3 pictures plus text.
  • Half-Page – horizontal ($75): 5” wide x 4” tall. Up to 3 pictures plus text.
  • Quarter-Page ($50): 2.5″ wide x 4″ tall. Up to 1 picture plus text.
  • KUDOS ($20): Text-only shout out. 40 word limit.


Questions? Email ads@spectacularfollies.com.



Terms and Conditions

  • All ad content MUST be submitted at least FOUR WEEKS before opening night. No exceptions!
  • KUDOS may not be used for commercial or promotional purposes, and no business or commercial entity may be mentioned. For business advertising options, please refer to our Business Advertising web page.
  • The Spectacular Follies reserves the right to review and approve KUDOS ads. Ads may be returned for revision.
  • The KUDOS Purchaser is responsible to provide content, photos or any art chosen to be in the ad and is responsible for all necessary permissions, trademark or copyright obligations for submitted materials.
  • All ad purchases are non-refundable.



Can I include a photo, image or pre-designed graphic of my ad?

YES! You can upload any graphics or pictures to be included in your ad (size allowing), or submit your complete pre-designed ad in a ready to print format! JPG, PNG, and PDF accepted. Photos are not available for KUDOS.

Can my business or employer buy an ad?

YES! While they are not eligible to participate in our KUDOS program, they can take advantage of our Business Advertising program offering program ads, sponsorships, or mentions in all pre-show Curtain Speeches! For more information, visit our Business Advertising web page.

So help me out … what should I say in a KUDOS ad?

Your ad will be seen by the entire cast, the directors, and every patron (could be thousands!) that come to see the show. Your KUDOS should speak from the heart with encouragement and support for your favorite cast member, crew member or even Director.

Some sample KUDOS to get you started:

  • “Congratulations Sarah on a fantastic performance for Feelin’ Groovy. Your family is so proud of you! Love you, Mom.”
  • “Greg, sending you hugs and applause from Florida! We are so proud of you for getting out there and strutting your stuff. Break a leg. With love, Sis and her clan”
  • “TO MY AMAZING CAST MEMBERS, I just wanted to let you know how much fun I had rehearsing with you and getting ready for this fabulous show! You are all incredice! I’m going to miss all the fun! SHIRLEY FEENEY”
  • “Congratulations on your 14th show, Stacy! What an incredible accomplishment. Keep shining and being the star you are!  Love from Benji, Sam and Cousin Mark”

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